Thursday, December 17, 2009

Spent all day yesterday watching the clock, noon Jim came to borrow my truck to go Christmas shopping. 3:00 PM Jim was at the movies with one of his friends, 7:30 Jim brings my truck home tells me he is going home to take a shower and do some laundry and "I'll see ya tomorrow mom." 8:00 P.M. my oldest son calls and tells me "Mom Jim just got shot." No way I tell him Jimmy just left here he is fine, "Mom it was just on the scanner Jim got shot and is being taken to the hospital!" 8:20 P.M. in my truck getting to the hospital as fast as I can, 8:30 waiting, waiting, waiting for the doctor to come tell me Jim is OK. 9:30 P.M. Doctor comes to the waiting room to say "I am so sorry we did all we could but we just couldn't save Jim." Shock, Disbelief no way not My Jim. I'll just go home it will all be OK and Jim will come walking through the door at any minute. But no matter how long I wait that minute never comes. Two years later I spend the day once again watching the clock counting the hours that My Jim my baby boy has left to live. Will the angel day ever come that I don't spend the day watching the clock? I think not, this is a pain, sorrow, sadness that will never leave my heart for as long as I live. Now I think of all my sister moms having to go through their child's angel day and I know what they will be going through and I just wish I could take it all away from all our hearts.
Mom 2 an Angel
Angel Jim

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Come December

Isn't that a song I heard? Can I tell you how my December's used to be and how my December's now are? First, my birthday is in December, 12/9 to be exact. When I was younger I loved to celebrate my birthday, all the presents and attention. As you grow older they become less important probably because you're getting older! Then in 1987 my father died, December 15th. A day before my due date for my son Matthew. He was due to be born on December 16th. So I attended my father's funeral 9 months pregnant with my second child. I miss my dad, he was a good father, I was a daddy's little girl. Then on Christmas day my son was born! I thought to myself daddy sent me a Christmas present, as everyone thought for sure the death of my dad would put me into labor, but it didn't. So I was blessed with a Christmas baby 10 days after my dad died. Joy and sadness at the same time. But my baby filled the void and sadness, took over the pain I felt. As my son's grew Christmas' were the best, I made sure they had all the newest things, the top on their list! The newest hottest games, remember Sega and Nitendo? Aww Mario Brothers, they'd beg me for the paddle back! Come on mom, you're turn is over! New bikes, new skates, the joy of watching them ripping open the presents one after the other not even really seeing what the one before was. Watching new movies as we sat in our PJ's exploring new toys and games. Then on December 31st 1991 a new baby came into my life! A New Year's Eve baby, wow, how lucky can I get. Two holiday babies! I remember the day he was born, I remember it so vividly. How the dr's were in an emergency so I had no epidural, now we all mom's know how important that epidrual is! I kept telling the nurse, this baby is coming, my dr. is not here yet, and I had no anastegia. So she calls him tells me he'll be here in 15 minutes, I said well this baby is coming before then! so of course she checks and yes his head is popping out, I'll never forget the look on her face, God bless that sweet nurse. Don't worry she said, I've delivered babies before, WHAT????? I had two wonderful nurses bring my baby boy into the world. 7 lbs. 14 ounces - hey that's 8 pounds in my mind! So more joy for December, new baby things to buy, more boy clothes, more bikes. Timmy my New Year's Eve baby loved Christmas. he was the first one up before every one, 6AM, I'd make him wait until at least 8AM before he woke his brothers up!! That was torture. He'd beg me, please mom, please wake them up! And he loved everything he got down to the pack of socks. I always told him too for his birthday that no matter where he was, there would always be a celebration going on, how lucky can you be to have a birthday on New Year's Eve, there's always a party somewhere! As they grew older Christmas was still special no matter what age it seemed like Timmy had to get out all the decorations, first weekend after Thanskgiving. He would bring everything up, all the boxes of Christmas Decorations. He would help put them all out. His favorite was putting up the tree and my Nutcracker men! And the tinsel. How he loved the tinsel. And of course after all the gifts were opened the new movies watched, a nice Christmas dinner, it was joy, it was happy. Now let me tell you how my December's are, my son, my baby was murdered on Friday the 13th in July of 2007. Now I face a cold December, my birthday having no meaning, who cares my baby is not here. I try so hard to make Christmas nice for my other boys especially my Christmas baby, I put on that fake smile and say this is how Timmy would want it. But then when it would come time to pull out the decorations, I couldn't do it. The boys would have to bring the boxes up. Last year I was lucky if 1/3 of the decorations got put to use. My son and his friend put the tree up. I haven't got the heart. I can't even listen to the Christmas music it only makes me cry. Especially Silent Night. That song even thru the hot summer days when my baby couldn't sleep and I have no voice of an angel that's for sure, I would sing him Silent Night over and over again. It was the only thing that soothed him and he would peacefully fall back to sleep. I remember after he was killed laying in bed and singing Silent Night to him in the darkness by myself, can you hear me Timmy I'm singing your favorite song, can you hear me??? Are you near me?? Do you hear my whispers I love you in the night, the tears that fall silently on my pillow because I don't want to upset your brothers? Do you feel me squeeze tightly that teddy bear you didn't want because God forbid you are 15 so I kept it anyway, and now sleep with it. I kiss that teddy bear as I say goodnight my baby, I love you, sweet dreams, don't stay up late. My last words to my son before I went to bed, the very last words I ever said to him. This will be my third Christmas without my son, my third cold December, my third son missing from my birthday, missing from the joy of Christmas. I can't even go shopping. I try so hard to go into the stores and I see something and think oh, Timmy would love that. Timmy was 15 years old, this New Years Eve 2009 he would have been 18 years old. A third birthday missed, a third New Year's Eve celebration that I no longer can celebrate. As we grow older and our children grow older and time goes by and peoples lives move on, new babies born, new bright Christmas' to celebrate, my son stays 15 forever, lost time, lost love, lost celebrations, lost listening to him play the Linus & Lucy song on his keyboard. How does one survive this? How can anyone say that the pain will get better, it gets easier with time? I see my life moving on and all his friends doing the things he should be doing, but my life also stopped moving along on 7/13/07, like the day the Earth Stood Still. I just get older and sadder each December.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I Used To

I used to love this time of year,
The carols being sung.
The tree all decorated,
All the stockings hung.

I used to love this time of year,
Hot cocoa in a mug,
Watching Christmas specials
All cuddled nice and snug.

I used to love this time of year,
The gift wrap on the floor.
Happy children laughing,
A wreath hung on the door.

I used to love this time of year,
But since you went away,
My life has changed forever,
And I don't love it anymore.

~~Kim Lasater 12/02/2008~~

I wrote it last year at Christmas time but feel like it still applies. Holidays are harder then other days. What used to be such a joyful time is now tainted. It will never be the same. I miss Kaylin so very much.
Woke up this morning first thing the tears started, can it really be almost two years since I have seen my Jim or heard his voice? How can two years seem so long and so short at the same time? 16 days is all he had left to live two years ago and this in my third Christmas without him. If only I could turn back the hands of time knowing then what I know now. The great what ifs or if onlys!!! how can this be worse instead of better? I miss Jimmy more and more every day I see no light at the end of this tunnel. I wonder does anyone see the black cloud I feel hanging over me? I know my son and I know he would want me to be happy but this month I think he will forgive me for not being able to even get close to happy. I will send balloons on his angel day and buy flowers for him at Christmas, what else can a mom of a murdered child do, I will never see the look of joy on his face after opening his presents at Christmas or see the look of joy on his face because he knows he got just the right thing for his mom and his little girl. I will make it through this month because I have my loving family and all my sister moms beside me. Then I will start looking forward to spring when I can once again have Jimmy's garden full of beautiful flowers. I will continue to light a candle for My Jim every night until the day I go to see him on the other side.
Mom 2 an Angel
Angel Jim

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My thoughts

After five years and nine plus months, my mind is in a different place today. This does not mean there is any less pain, heartache, anger or sorrow. I will forever love and miss my son, grieve for him, feel anger like I'v never in my life felt before. I will forever remember the day I came home and found him lying on his bedroom floor brutally murdered. I will forever remember all the homicide detectives coming and going while I was sitting there, (after they sat me down) while I was crying in shock wondering how this all could be happening. I remember everything about that day like it was yesterday. When your child is murdered, it is the worst of the worst thing that can ever happen to you in life and you will never ever forget it. It will affect every part of your life forever. The heartache is neverending, and you wish you could join them. At one time, I wished I could join my son but no longer do. I remember feeling intense anger every single day, and every November was filled with thoughts like "what do I have to be thankful for, they murdered my son, I'll never be thankful for anything ever again". As I sit here and ponder what has happened since then, I have to be thankful, even if it is for only one person, or many, I guess I should be thankful. I remember the night before the murder trial for one of the murderers when I kept talking to Gerrick and asking him to watch over me while I wondered what would happen during the trial. He was right there letting me know that he heard me. Just like he was sitting right there next to me during each and every court date. I'm thankful for twelve jurors who saw and heard the truth through the evidence and followed the law. I always wished I could have thanked them, but was never given that chance. I'm also thankful for a witness who told the court the truth. I always wished I could have thanked that person as well. I never got the chance to thank all the homicide detectives who worked so hard to find and charge the murderers who murdered my son. Every murder investigation starts with the homicide detectives working that case, and I appreciate each and every one.
One of the murderers who murdered my son pleaded guily to first degree murder. His sentence was only 21 years. The other murderer was sentenced to only 22 years. The trial judge who sentenced both murderers gave them the minimum sentence under Illinois law, 20 years being the least after conviction of first degree murder, and 60 years being the maximum for first degree murder. This means that both murderers that murdered my son will be young men when they get out and will have their whole lives ahead of them while my son is in the cemetery.

No, you never forget, you never ever "get over" the murder of your child. What happens is, time continues, whether you want it to or not. For whatever reason, one day your mind is in a different place. But, your child is always right there with you.
Diane Davies 11-24-09


Today I decided to check the card in my video cam to see if I could retrieve pictures I had lost due to viruses on my computer. To my surprise they were there along with a couple of little video clips Jim was videoing his motorcycle getting a new motor and I could hear his voice how bittersweet that was. Just to hear his voice for a couple of seconds made me both happy and sad and naturally I cried. I never want to forget his voice and that laugh of his he was quite a guy so full of life.
Mom 2 an Angel
Angel Jim

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Where Angels Fly

Where Angels Fly

Dedicated to Timmy Clark

They say that Angels fly where the butterflies roam so the story goes,

in a field of clover and where wild flowers grow.

As many hearts will tell you the butterflies are signs,

of our loved ones whispered kisses and loving sweet soft sighs.

How can we believe with our broken hearts

that there ever will be a day of peace, no matter where we start.

It doesn't matter how many times you try,

the life you lived has disappeared the day your child died.

But one thing you must remember, God is loving and kind,

so when you see a butterly, your angel is not to far behind.

by Bette Ann Clark

Thursday, November 19, 2009

What I Wish You Knew

Today Kaylin has been gone for one year, two weeks, and five days. I am still grieving. I am still in pain and I still hurt everyday. Some days are better then others. Lately I have had well meaning people tell me things. I have heard, "You need to move on." or "It's been a year, you need to just put it behind you." I know that those comments come from people who mean well and just do not understand what it is to lose your child. There is the compounded grief of losing my child to murder. To know that someone decided that my child should not live any more. To have her taken so suddenly that I didn't get to say good bye. She left my house and never came home. I miss her more then words can ever convey. I didn't get to bury my child and grieve. I have to deal with an investigation into my child's murder. Court dates and a defense that wants to blame her for her own murder. I am grieving and fighting for justice at the same time. I wanted to share with those of you who mean well and just don't know what to do or say. I wanted to share the things that hurt when you say them. I know that you don't mean to be hurtful and that you are trying to help and just plain old don't know what to do or say. I hope that this will help you to understand.
1. Don't tell me that I need to move on. I know that I have to continue living. It isn't that I don't want to move on, it is that I CAN'T move on. When your child is murdered, you have to deal with the justice system. You find quickly that this system is not really about getting justice for your child, but about protecting the rights of the murderer. How can I move on when I have to navigate a system that is cruel and uncaring to the survivors?
2. When I become depressed, don't tell me to "snap out of it." Don't you understand that I would if I could? I do not WANT to feel this way. I struggle just to get out of bed some days. Many parents of murdered children suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder after the murder of their child. Many go from bereaved to clinically depressed. If we could just "snap out of it." we would.
3. Say my child's name. So often after the death of a child no one will say their name. She is still my child. I still love her. When you won't mention her name or let me talk about her it hurts. She existed and to not mention her name feels like you don't want to acknowledge that she did.
4. Don't avoid me. I know it is harder to be around me. I will do my best to put on my "people face" and talk with you. Know that sometimes when I talk about my child, I just need to say her name. Don't look uncomfortable. Just let me tell you about her as you would have if she were still alive. The friend who can do that is a treasure.
5. Don't talk about closure. There is no such thing as closure. I will never have closure because someone is now missing from my life.
6. Don't tell me that nothing will bring my child back. I know that and I hear it all too often in the judicial journey. No one knows better then the parent of a murdered child that nothing will bring them back. I still want justice. I will still pursue justice because my child deserves it. She was valuable and her life mattered.
7. Don't tell me that you will be glad when I am back to my "old self." I will NEVER be that person again. My life has changed forever. I cannot go back to who I was before my child was taken from me by violence.
DO talk to me. Share your life with me. Tell me about the things that are important to you. Let me do the same.
I know that there are people out there who care about me and who are hurt to see me continue to suffer. There is no time limit for grief. I don't want to bring you down all the time so there will be times I avoid you. It isn't because I don't like you anymore. It is because I am hurting and don't want to "bring you down with my pain." Just telling me you care means so much. I hope that this will help in knowing what a parent of a murdered child needs. I would give anything and everything to just go back to the life I had. I would love to get out of bed knowing my child is safe at home. I am doing the best that I can, and some days just getting out of bed is an accomplishment.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Nothing is the same

Tonight I was once again reminded how our family has changed. Your brother will turn 14 on Tuesday, but we took him out for his birthday dinner tonight. You should have been with us. You should have been there laughing and sharing stories of him as a baby. You should have been there commenting about it being hard to believe that your baby brother was now taller then you. You should have been, but you were not there. Our family changed so quickly. I missed you tonight and thought about how we would have had a boys vs girls thing at some point. Sometimes I don't think people understand that these are the moments that hurt so badly. They don't understand that we cannot just "move on." Now someone is always missing from our holidays, our celebrations, our tragedies and our triumphs. You are always missing. Moments that should be happy are never as happy as they once were. Our life is tainted now. The holidays are coming up and it is hard not to fall into depression. It is a fight just to go on some days. We have to. People don't understand why I can't move on. It has been 16 months, 2 weeks and 1 day so why haven't I moved on? I can't. This was my daughter who was murdered. This goes against the natural order of life. I go first, not her. She didn't have to die. She could have been saved, but someone took it upon himself to decide that she wouldn't be. Someone decided to change my life forever and to throw me onto a roller coaster that I want to get off of. Everything that I believed before is now something that I question. Things that I thought were important before don't seem that way anymore. I would trade it all just to have her back again. Just to hear her voice once more. I'd give anything for that, but everything's changed and we can't go back.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday the 13th

Aww yes the day most younger people relish. The superstitious dread it but for the forgotten Mom this day like everything in our life brings on a whole new meaning. Timmy was murdered on this day and while each month the 13th will bring even more heartache the actual Friday the 13th brings pain that is unimagineable to the average mom. Our daughter Lisa loved the movies and each and every time there was a new one being released on Friday the 13th that is where you would find her. I never did understand the whole thing but then again I grew up with Pyscho and admittedly was one taken by the Hitchcock classics. Little did I know what layed ahead. Our daughter would actually die much similar just take away the ripping of the shower curtain and replace it with...well that is something our family with have to live with the rest of our lives...the image...the image I saw of my murdered daughter lying on the floor. It wasn't a movie just like it wasn't for Bette and her family the image of Timmy, as well as all the forgotten moms, being the last image they will have. It is real life and it is a reality most families are spared from ever knowing or living.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Dreading the Holidays

Well Halloween starts the passage of pain in my life. Now Thanksgiving is just 2 weeks away. Then my birthday in December, then Christmas and my 21 y/o son's birthday which is also Christmas, then my baby Timmy's birthday on New Year's Eve. He will be 18 this year. This is a big birthday isn't it, when a boy turns 18, he is a man! he can vote, has learned to drive, now he can join the armed forces if he wants to. Not my son, my son is forever 15 years old. he will not learn to drive, he will not go to proms or graduate high school or join the army, or become the mechanic he wanted to be. Or have those 4 kids he said he would have when he fell in love and got married. But still he will be 18. I have now missed 2 1/2 years of him in my life and it all wraps around the holiday season. how can one be joyous? Another Thanksgiving with an empty plate, and boy he loved to eat that kid! And the Christmas that will be missed yet again, no list this year of him telling me which is his top 10 things he wants! and another birthday missed and a big one at that, 18 years old! I used to tell him no matter where you go on your birthday, you will always have a celebration going because your born on New Year's Eve. So now not only is the birthday but another New Year's Eve. Gone. Just a hollow ache, a hollow pain, that no one knows but another mom who lost a child. I try and think of good memories, but you know, even good memories bring the tears because I won't have any new good memories. How he would go and get all the decorations out. he would bug me right after Thanksgiving when are we putting up the tree, let's put up the tree and I'd say next weekend. Now I can't even bear to put up a tree and I know I will for my other two sons. I will put up a tree and I will buy a new ornament for Timmy as I have done the last 2 years, I made a pack with myself each year to buy him an ornament for the tree so that way I'm still getting him something for Christmas to put on the tree he so loved to put up and decorate. In writing this I'm preparing myself for the dreaded holidays I used to love so much. I'm preparing my family and friends that I will be lost and sad and I'm sorry I'm not who I am anymore but thankful to all of those who stuck by me and hope they still can stick by me each time a holiday or birthday or his angel day approaches as my sadness envelopes me once again.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Where are you?

That is a question I ask every night before I go to sleep, that's if I can sleep. Most nights I toss and turn or lay there thinking, thinking, thinking. I play that night over and over again in my head. I think of my son every moment of the day, a lot of times I have to push the thoughts away because I feel the panic, the tears, the heartache rip me apart. I have to stop or I will break down, like I do most nights, or in the car when I'm by myself. Each night before I go to sleep I ask him to come visit me, give me a hug, tell me you are ok, let me hear your voice in my brain, he never speaks when I do dream of him. I see life moving on, people going about their lives, each day a new day. Each day in my life, when I wake up is just another day of pain. Where are you Timmy? I want you to come home. I miss you and I want to hug you.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Don't Cry Because I'm Gone

I know in my heart this is what my Jimmy would want. He would hate seeing me cry almost every day, he would hate the fact that I don't go for one minute of each and every day without him on my mind. I am off the meds now for 1 month just felt I needed to face this head on because it has been laying under the surface for almost 2 years, just covered up with medication. I have dropped to the very bottom of this valley and am trying to claw my way back to the top. I know I would never be able to do this without the love and support of all my sister moms and my loving family. I will get there it may take a very long time but I will make it. The Holidays are so close now I wish I could sleep through Nov. and December. Thanksgiving and Christmas use to be such fun times now I dread even thinking about them, I just don't have it in me anymore to enjoy the holidays epically Christmas because you see my Jim was murdered on December 16th 2007. I will always remember the weekend before his murder we went with family and friends to the mountains up in the snow to get our Christmas trees and naturally Jim was finding all the good ones but said "I saved the best one for you mom". That was a great day and I am so thankful for it. Loving and Missing my Jimmy.
Mom 2 an Angel, Angel Jimmy.

Monday, November 2, 2009


This time of year used to be an exciting time for me and my boys. The start of the seasons changing was of course Halloween. Timmy would love to decorate the house, outside and in. He would get old clothes and stuff them and place a scary mask on top so it would look like some monster sitting in the chair out in the yard, he would get the spider web and hang it all over the bushes and drape the little spiders on it, with hanging ghosties. We would carve pumpkins and make pumpkin seeds. He loved drinking apple cider, he'd call me at the store and tell me don't forget to pick some up! As he got older he still continued his tradition, he liked to get dressed up with his friends, not really to go trick or treating, just to have fun. We would go to an annual Halloween Party at a close friend of mine's house. He loved to go there, I would always let him bring a friend. But all of that changed on 7/13/07. When evilness invaded our lives and took him away. So now each holiday the memories I have are all just that, memories. I try and look into something I might have missed, racking my brain to remember more, only if I could remember more would that make it easier to bear? I can't bring myself to decorate, even though people tell me he loved to do that you need to continue on doing what he loved to do. How can I?? How can I continue doing what he would have done, knowing he is not here enjoying it, it only makes me sad, why would I do something that would just make me sad? So to look like I'm "getting on with my life"? I'll never get on with my life, the life I had when Timmy, my youngest baby boy was alive, is a different life I now live. I have two lives now, one when Timmy my sweet buddy was alive, and this life now when he was brutally murdered at the age of 15 years old. This is my life now as I know it. How do you get over something like this?

Saturday, October 31, 2009


Another holiday that brings memories of what once was in what now seems like another life. I remember the sadness when the girls grew older and their trick or treating was at the local halls of fear/haunted houses --little did we know what sadness was. It was one of our favorite holidays with Hocus Pocus--Bette Midler's Halloween movie--rating on the top of our movie charts. Two days ago I realized there were no decorations in place nor were there any intentions. It was just another day in our so called lives. As I worked through my route yesterday I delivered the grade school where I once saw the little ones parading their uniforms filled with excitement in the anticipation of trick or treating. I would then later encounter a woman on her porch remarking, "I can't believe they stole my pumpkins!" and then asking me if I could believe it? What do you say? I hope they didn't steal the pumpkins off my daughters grave? I wish that was the only thing I had to worry about? What is this world coming to when they start stealing pumpkins? I know what she was thinking--I live in a good neighborhood--How could that ever happen here? As if crime/murder discriminates which we have all found out to be so untrue. It reminded me the comment I heard over and over again when our daughter Lisa was randomly murdered in her apartment...Wow and that is a good neighborhood. As if that should have saved her from the evil that lurks in this world. We researched listings for weeks before sending our 18 year old daughter to college and we too thought she would be safe. Now we are left with the precious memories of those days when Lisa adamantly refused licorice from a lady by sticking her little hand (the same little hands that she fought so courageously with to try and save her life) out towards the lady--No Thank You! And when I asked her what was wrong she told me so innocently--I don't like licorice and continued to the next house while we just looked on in astonishment yet were amused by her politeness even at an early age. I will cherish those memories and hold them dear to my heart knowing there won't ever be any more....

Friday, October 30, 2009

Lighting a candle

Every night before I go to bed I light a little candle for my Jimmy, I tell him good night, I love ya kiddo. Hope he hears me I believe he does. Then I ask him to come see me in my dreams. Before falling asleep I picture My Jim I never want to forget that smile or that silly grin.
Mom to an Angel, Angel Jim.........
If I heard it once I have heard these things countless need to move on, they are in a better place, they would want you to be happy, it was meant to be....and the list is endless. We could never expect anyone to fully understand what we are going through which is why those who make these statements must try and understand why we choose to throw all those worthless sayings, made by parents who still have their children, in the crap pile. This is our life now and this is our journey in hopes that we can educate those who still have their life and have not had their heart ripped apart and their lives shredded. We are the Mothers of a Murdered Child and each and every day of the rest of our lives is a continuous nightmare that will never end. Take a walk with us whether you have something in common with us or would just like to learn the true meaning of the word survival.....