Spent all day yesterday watching the clock, noon Jim came to borrow my truck to go Christmas shopping. 3:00 PM Jim was at the movies with one of his friends, 7:30 Jim brings my truck home tells me he is going home to take a shower and do some laundry and "I'll see ya tomorrow mom." 8:00 P.M. my oldest son calls and tells me "Mom Jim just got shot." No way I tell him Jimmy just left here he is fine, "Mom it was just on the scanner Jim got shot and is being taken to the hospital!" 8:20 P.M. in my truck getting to the hospital as fast as I can, 8:30 waiting, waiting, waiting for the doctor to come tell me Jim is OK. 9:30 P.M. Doctor comes to the waiting room to say "I am so sorry we did all we could but we just couldn't save Jim." Shock, Disbelief no way not My Jim. I'll just go home it will all be OK and Jim will come walking through the door at any minute. But no matter how long I wait that minute never comes. Two years later I spend the day once again watching the clock counting the hours that My Jim my baby boy has left to live. Will the angel day ever come that I don't spend the day watching the clock? I think not, this is a pain, sorrow, sadness that will never leave my heart for as long as I live. Now I think of all my sister moms having to go through their child's angel day and I know what they will be going through and I just wish I could take it all away from all our hearts.
Mom 2 an Angel
Angel Jim
How we all must relive that dreaded day when our lives where shattered...the day, the phone call we all think about throughout our lives but never think it will happen to us...Only how others will survive it...then that day comes and still it seems as if it is surreal and not happening...♥