For 18 years & 364 days I was blessed,
Now by some I am told it is a test.
To see if my faith is strong,
Or will I tell others to believe, I was wrong.
Was that all my daughters life was in the scheme,
Her loss leaving our lives with no meaning or theme.
A simple test as if it were a chess game,
between good & evil in His name.
Brutally taken by such an evil spawn,
Was my daughter's life just a pawn?
One who is manipulated, powerless & weak,
A mere peon so to speak.
Is that all her life meant to Him,
That she could be taken on such a whim?
For there was no miracle on that horrific night,
Her body bloody & lifeless after a courageous fight.
Her killer watched as she lay dying on the floor
Wasn't my beautiful daughter's life worthy of more?
Lisa's spirit visited me before she went on her way,
She wanted to let me know that she would be okay.
Lisa told me, Mom I was not alone you see,
The angels were right there beside me.
Now I must believe that Lisa's spirit is free,
Because of her kind heart she held that key.
How can I ever see the beauty of this life,
When the pain constantly cuts my heart like a knife?
Ironic that is, some might say,
As Lisa died the very same way.
As I walk through life behind my mask.
There are so many questions I must ask.
In Loving Memory of
Lisa Christine Maas