Friday, October 30, 2009

If I heard it once I have heard these things countless need to move on, they are in a better place, they would want you to be happy, it was meant to be....and the list is endless. We could never expect anyone to fully understand what we are going through which is why those who make these statements must try and understand why we choose to throw all those worthless sayings, made by parents who still have their children, in the crap pile. This is our life now and this is our journey in hopes that we can educate those who still have their life and have not had their heart ripped apart and their lives shredded. We are the Mothers of a Murdered Child and each and every day of the rest of our lives is a continuous nightmare that will never end. Take a walk with us whether you have something in common with us or would just like to learn the true meaning of the word survival.....

1 comment:

  1. Great blog Laura, as usual. Thanks for showing this city girl a good time. Who comes to Chicago and endlessly tries to get someone's computer to work--Laura, that's who. Thanks.
    Are you surprised I actually got in here? LMAO! It took a lot of tries!!! LOL! I can't stop laughing about Nanci and AV laughing about that Country Music Award email--don't forget. LOL! Love you and AV forever! Diane~Gerrick's mom
